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The Mistletoe Affair Page 6

  “What's her name?” she snapped, wanting to prove her point, later wishing she could reel the question back in. Why should she care if the rumors about him being a rutting tomcat were true? She wasn't in love with him, only physically attracted to him. Strongly physically attracted, her mind corrected.

  He hesitated.

  They each picked up two plates loaded with food and began weaving through the crowds to their table. “I'm not the type of man who sleeps with a woman and trashes her name. But the lady didn't seem particular about who watched her throw herself at me. My guess is she saw you with me, got jealous and thought she could hurt you. I think I need to prove something to you. Katherine, turn around and look at me. Please."

  She reluctantly turned toward him.

  “Her name's Laura Brown. She works at an art gallery downtown.” His gaze searched her face. “And you look surprised as hell that I know anything at all about her.” He shook his head.

  A lady almost bumped into Katherine as she turned back around. She moved to the side to avoid her and quickly continued forward. “Actually, I'm amazed you knew her name."

  Why should she feel jealous? She didn't know, but she did, and she didn't want him to know. Attempting to lighten the whole incident, Katherine whispered, “I don't care what you do. You're single, over twenty-one, and how you live your life is entirely up to you.” They both walked in silence.

  Thomas Hughes moved away from their table as they arrived. He waved over his shoulder at them and headed back to his own friends.

  “Mom, they're welcome to join us, if they'd like,” Katherine whispered, placing one plate of food in front of her mother and the other in front of Matt.

  A sad faraway look clouded her mother's eyes. “He's with a lady he dates sometimes. He stopped by to say hello."

  Eyeing the plates Jared set down, she noticed he'd placed hers beside his. She refocused her attention on her mother. “If you get too tired, you let me know and we'll leave."

  Matt took his fork and lifted the large slice of turkey and peeked underneath. “Where's the chocolate cake?"

  Everyone chuckled.

  “I'll get us something to drink while you look after the bottomless-pit.” Jared smiled at Matt and headed toward the refreshment table.

  “We have to light Mrs. Taylor's candles and sing happy birthday to her. After she blows the candles out, we'll get cake. But first, you have to eat your dinner.” Katherine sat in the chair beside Matt. “Save room for a big slice.” He relaxed, grinned and shoveled turkey and dressing into his mouth.

  Jared returned with glasses of fruit punch. He shrugged out of his suit jacket and laid it on the back of his chair. As he dropped into the chair next to her, his muscular thigh pressed against hers. Her heart did a reluctant somersault, and she inhaled and exhaled slowly. The leg of the table blocked her on the right side. That left no room to move away from him. She chose to ignore the warmth of his thigh rather than reveal how much his touch bothered her.

  “Your mother told me you brought the potato salad. It's delicious. I love pimentos and green olives.” He popped some into his mouth and turned to inspect her plate. “Did you get any of the crabmeat triangles?” He placed a bite on his fork. “Here, try it,” he said waving it temptingly beneath her nose.

  The smell of cheese, garlic and crabmeat proved irresistible. His gaze captured hers as Katherine opened her mouth then closed it around the warm, succulent morsel. She saw desire flame in his eyes as he watched the provocative motion. Withdrawing his fork from her mouth, he brought it into his own, as if to lick off her essence, before he stabbed another piece of quiche. She blushed at the intimate act they'd shared without even a moment's hesitation. He smiled warmly, but quickly moved his attention to her son, leaving her wishing the sensual contact they experienced had continued.

  “Matt, you still want to learn to ride a horse?” Jared asked. He turned and whispered into Katherine's ear, “He'll be riding a pony."

  Puffs of air from his warm breath hit the inside of her ear causing chills to run along the base of her spine.

  Matt's eyes lit with excitement. “Yes, sir."

  She placed her hand on Jared's arm. “Even if it's a pony, I'll worry about him."

  He smiled, his white teeth flashing in the candlelight. “I know, so you're invited, too.” He gazed toward Matt. “I'll call your mom, and we'll make a day of it."

  Katherine's heart skipped a beat. It's all right. It's a day with Matt. What could possibly happen on a horse?

  “Have you ever been horseback riding, Katherine?"

  She swallowed hard. “No."

  “In that case, you'll ride with me the first time."

  Her fork dropped and clanged against her glass.

  Jared gave her a roguish smile, and from the look in his eyes he knew the effect he had on her. “Are you through eating?"

  Looking at her plate, she knew she'd eaten very little but she couldn't get another bite past the butterfly wings flapping in her throat and chest. She nodded.

  The DJ changed from romantic ballads to a 1920s Charleston, and Jared stood, lifting her hand. “Since you're done eating, let's work off some of this meal."

  Katherine stared past Jared, watching the people on the dance floor energetically kick their heels. “I've seen the dance, but I don't actually know how to do the Charleston.” She put her hand palm up. “I'll pass."

  “Oh, no.” He pulled her out of the chair. “Where's your sense of adventure? I don't know how to Charleston either, but we'll fake it.” He pointed to the couples. “It doesn't look that difficult."

  Within five minutes, they looked like chickens taking flight. Their arms thrashed back and forth slicing through the air. Knees bent, heels kicking, they moved energetically to the syncopated jazz rhythm. They couldn't stop laughing. “Hey, I think we're pretty good together,” Jared yelled over the noise. He pointed to a white-haired couple in the corner of the dance floor. “Think we can try that fancy move?"

  Katherine giggled, stuck her hip out in an exaggerated pose mimicking the couple, pranced around, and slapped her bottom while making a full circle. They stood side by side, knees bent and hands crossing their knees. He winked at her. “It's always scary when you try something new for the first time."

  She breathed deeply and blushed at his implication.

  Twenty minutes later, they staggered off the dance floor, both breathing heavily, just in time for the main event. People applauded as candles were lit on the enormous multi-tiered cake. The lights dimmed and everyone sang. An inferno of seventy-five candles flickered in the semi-darkness. Mrs. Taylor and her friends blew out candles amidst more applause. The lights were turned back up and everyone got served a generous helping of chocolate cake, making Matt ecstatic.

  Jared went to the refreshment table for more punch and cups of coffee. He returned with a tray full and set it down. Reaching into his pockets, he pulled out large paper towels and tucked them in Matt's shirt collar. “Dig in, pal."

  Her mother held a forkful of cake to her nose and sniffed. “Chocolate mint.” She devoured the first bite. “Light, fluffy and very good. Remind me to get Mildred's recipe. She took one of those leisure classes in cake decorating.” Her mother waved across the room at Mildred, who smiled and waved back. “It's delicious,” her mother yelled.

  Although everyone devoured the cake with enthusiasm, Matt finished his huge chunk first. He looked like he'd been mud wrestling and lost. “Matt, how in the world did you manage to get it in your ears and hair?” Jared asked, laughing with Matt.

  Katherine glanced at Matt and shook her head. “That's how five-year-olds eat."

  Matt held up chocolate fingers. “I'll be six soon."

  “Gracious, you look like you swam in it,” Katherine said.

  “It's easy to get messy when you're having a good time. Isn't it, pal?"

  Matt tugged on Jared's hand. “I need to go potty,” Matt said, lifting his arms up to him.

therine is it all right if I take Matt to the bathroom? He can wash up, too."

  She blushed when Matt whispered, “I don't want to potty in a girl's bathroom."

  Katherine nodded, her head spinning with the fact that Jared had shown more affection to Matt in three minutes than Paul had in three years.

  The DJ started a romantic waltz as Jared returned to the table. He placed Matt in the chair, turned and took Katherine's hand in his. “Don't tell me you don't know how to waltz either."

  “At the price I paid for ballroom dance classes, she better,” her mother said.

  “Well, let's prove your mom didn't waste her hard earned money."

  Jared led Katherine to the dance floor and folded her in his arms. Every time she breathed, his woodsy scent filled her lungs, her thoughts and her head. She felt his strong hands touch the ends of her hair that flowed down her back. The smell, feel and touch of this man intoxicated her. She lifted her chin, mentally chiding herself, but he intoxicates a lot of women, none of them mean anything to him except sexual gratification. And what's wrong with sexual gratification? screamed her body as his leg moved closer to her thigh.

  “You're too quiet,” Jared whispered.

  She lifted her head and gazed up at him, moving her body to a more traditional waltz pose, placing more distance between them. He twirled her away from him and brought her to him again, pulling her closer against his body. Her eyes closed, she relaxed, savoring his warmth and the feel of his hands moving over her back. She rested her head against his chest, lulled by his steady heartbeat and hearing her own echoing reply.

  “I was thinking,” she said.

  “What about?” he whispered against her hair. “I hope it's the same thing I'm thinking about.” His lips pressed into her hair. He moved her away from him, turned her and brought her into his warm arms again.

  She knew exactly what lurked in Jared's mind, but to her the act of making love had to mean a whole lot more than a fleeting, sexual conquest. And from what she'd heard and seen of Jared, that's all it meant to him. All she would be to him. The thought made her reply tight and strained. “I doubt we're thinking about the same thing. We don't think alike on a lot of things.” She stiffened. Jared held her in his arms and they waltzed across the dance floor.

  * * * *

  Jared felt Katherine's body tense again while they danced. He replayed tonight's events as he held her, wondering where he'd gone wrong. Once they'd gotten past Laura Brown's attempt to wreck their evening, he'd felt the sensual pull of their mutual desire all during the night.

  When she'd first relaxed and leaned into him on the dance floor, he thought his worries were over. During the party, she'd responded to his jokes, his smiles and he suddenly knew he didn't want to date her for Matt alone. He felt relieved they wanted each other, because he'd started to feel like a heel for using Matt to get to Katherine.

  He thought she wanted him too, when her cheek rested on his chest and he felt her warm breath through his shirt, but now she had stiffened her back and pulled away. He knew she felt the same desire, but she clamped down on her emotions. Why?

  The music suddenly changed from a waltz to a slow romantic dance and Jared, expecting her retreat, tightened his arm around her waist. No way, she wasn't going anywhere until he got her where he wanted her-eating out of his hand. “I thought maybe we might go out on a date sometime."

  She moved away slightly and looked up at him. “A date? Like Laura Brown's? Or the woman you had such a lusty conversation with the day before, after we'd been tree shopping?"

  He grinned, his gaze blatantly sensual. “You were eavesdropping?"

  “Hard not too when you're standing no more than ten feet away."

  Without a word, he lifted his hand and touched her bottom lip with his finger again. “You know from the conversation that if I wanted her here, she'd be here. You're in my arms tonight, because that's where I want you."

  “According to the town gossip and People magazine, you date a bevy of willing women who have sex with you.” Her eyes gave him a hard, cold stare and she whispered, “I'm afraid I don't qualify for a date with you. I don't have casual sex, and I won't share the man I do have sex with."

  His jaw muscles tightened, and his stomach jumped like she'd sucker punched him. How had she managed that? The last time a woman had surprised him was when his fiancée ran out of the church. Since then, he'd spent a year indulging in meaningless relationships, creating earthshaking sensations in women without ever really touching them emotionally or being touched emotionally himself. Somehow though, Katherine Cahill had broken through, unsettled him, just a little, but it unnerved him and fascinated him.

  Retreating into cynical humor, he smiled. “Wow, that's a first. I've never had anyone turn down sex with me before I even asked."

  When her jaw dropped like he'd intended, he tugged her closer and bent by her ear, back in control. “For the record, I don't have a bevy of sex slaves.” He chuckled. “Although that thought's probably crossed every man's mind at least once in their lives. I define a date as dinner, dancing, or a movie, not a roll in the hay. You name it, we'll do it."

  She leaned into him. Maybe she was wavering. He laughed. “Of course, if you're into whips, chains, kinky things, I'd have to tell you I don't really go in for that type of stuff. However, you're welcome to change my mind, just be gentle with me."

  When she laughed at his joke, he pulled her closer. “I always respect a woman's right to say no. What are you so afraid of?"

  Her eyes rounded. He studied her beautiful face and it looked like she might be seriously considering dating him, as if she actually questioned her hesitancy to accept his offer. Giving her a moment to think, Jared swung her away and back again, asking her once more, “Do you want to go on a date?"

  Katherine raised her head, her eyes searching his, her mouth opening to reply when a man tugged her away and drew her into his embrace, flattening her against his chest. “It's my turn."

  Her jaw dropped and all the color drained from her face. “Oh, my God, Paul!"

  Chapter Five

  “Katherine, breathe deeply. Don't pass out on me,” Paul pleaded, staring down at her and pulling her more tightly against him.

  Her vision blurred and Katherine took a deep breath as his steel-gray gaze held hers.

  “I drove to Grace's to find you and saw the birthday party announcement on the bulletin board. When I spotted your car in the parking lot, I decided to surprise you,” Paul said.

  Her rubbery knees wobbled. “You succeeded,” she whispered between deep breaths as they slow-danced across the oak floor.

  “Do you need to sit down?"

  Feeling the blood returning to her limbs, she fought to keep her tone casual. She didn't want to alarm her mother or Matt by causing a scene. And, no way did she want to let Paul know how upset she felt at seeing him. “No, I'm fine."

  His fingers slid through the length of her hair, tugging it lightly, moving to wrap a strand around his palm in an old, familiar, unwanted way. She jerked her chin up, stepped backward, and he released her slowly, unwillingly. A lock of her hair remained curled around his fingers. She pursed her lips together, and her gaze raked from his fingers to his eyes. He released her hair, and she placed more distance between them as they continued to dance.

  Glancing at the charcoal suit covering his lean frame, she lowered her gaze and stared at his pearl gray tie. Every time she inhaled, his sharp peppermint scented aftershave angered her. It reminded her of the day she broke every damn bottle of cologne and aftershave he'd left behind and had The Salvation Army haul off his clothes and their bedroom set.

  She hadn't been alone with him since the divorce two years ago. And she could count on one hand the times Matt had seen him. She seethed inside. It would take two hands for her to count the times he'd called at the last minute and cancelled Matt's visits with him. Why had he suddenly shown up without any warning?

  What was he really after? Would he get M
att's hopes up, just to callously disappoint him again?

  “Who's the man you were dancing with? He's giving me the evil eye from across the room,” Paul said.

  Looking around Paul's narrow shoulder, she glanced at Jared. With his muscular arms across his broad chest, he stood and studied them from the other side of the room.

  He mouthed the words, “Are you all right?"

  Katherine nodded.

  Instead of returning to their table like she'd expected Jared to do, he moved to the outer edge of the dance floor, directly in the path where they would exit.

  She blinked, shocked at the events of the last few minutes. How in the hell could this have happened? One minute she innocently considered dating Jared. Well, not so innocently she admitted, remembering his devastating good looks and his joke that had caught her off-guard. Then wham, she stood locked in her ex's arms. Damn.

  “Your hair still reminds me of midnight.” Paul pushed a lock behind her ear and sighed softly when she didn't respond to his compliment, or his previous question. “I guess I don't have a right to ask about your love life."

  Love life? She refused to admit it didn't exist. “No, you don't.” Let him think what he likes.

  They both fell into an awkward silence. He coughed lightly. “I'm sorry I haven't been there for Matt like I should. You have a right to be angry about that, too."

  She rotated her shoulders to fight the tension and jumped when his hand moved to massage her back. “I'm not the one you should apologize to-apologize to our son. He needs you. Don't you think Matt notices when you cancel visits?"

  He frowned. “Yes, I do. Is there some place private we can talk?"

  She fought to keep herself calm, whispering her reply for his ears only. “About what? The past? Walking into our bedroom and finding you with your-mistress? The lies I was forced to tell about why we divorced because my father lay fighting for his life and didn't need the added stress? Or maybe you want to talk about now. The way you repeatedly hurt our son.” Shoving against his chest, she stepped out of his embrace and glared at him. “If you'll excuse me."